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Modeshift STARS South Yorkshire

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PWLC were initially commissioned to provide two part-time STARS Officers to work across the four local authorities (Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham & Sheffield) and support schools to achieve accreditation. Our first Officer joined us in October 2016 and in less than 12-months the number of STARS accredited schools increased from just 9 schools to 36.


In December 2017, we were commissioned by Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council to provide 5 FTE Active Travel Officers as part of the Access Fund for each of the local authorities. Our team continue to work intensively with over 100 schools across the region, engaging with parents, teachers, pupils and local residents to increase Active Travel, specifically walking, cycling and scooting to school.


We created a STARS South Yorkshire active travel menu from which schools could choose practical cycling and walking activities, resources, classroom-based activities and assemblies, training and support to run campaigns that result in a tangible shift in mode of travel to school. A bespoke ‘scooter skills’ programme has been developed and implemented by the team across South Yorkshire.


The team have also been involved in trialling the Modeshift YTA programme in Sheffield and Doncaster secondary schools, and the development of new infrastructure schemes supporting the implementation of School Streets schemes.


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Each year between 91 and 113 schools across South Yorkshire were engaged in the project.  Total accreditations achieved 2017-2023: 22 engaged (approved), 300 Bronze (Good), 87 Silver (Very Good), 37 Gold (Excellent), and 35 Platinum (Outstanding). Between December 2017 and 2023, the team delivered 4746 separate active travel initiatives and engaged 186,000 residents, including 156,000 pupils.

There was an overall reduction in single occupancy car use of 6.5%.

In November 2020, our #StaySafeGetActive campaign was awarded the ‘Best Sustainable Travel Initiative – Education’ at the 2020 Modeshift National Sustainable Travel Awards.

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